Dying Matters Awareness Week, May 14-20

For many people talking about dying and death is a difficult proposition. Dying Matters Awareness Week aims to encourage people to communicate more openly about this sensitive subject.
Who organises Dying Matters Awareness Week?
The Dying Matters Coalition organise the event. The coalition was set up by the National Council for Palliative Care (NCPC) in 2009. It is composed of organisations and individual members, with over 29,000 members from England and Wales. Their aim is to encourage people to talk about end of life plans, death, dying and bereavement.
Why is talking about death important?
Facing the inevitable fact that we are all going to die can be discomforting. However, clear communication can ensure that your, or a loved one's death will occur in the way you, or they, want it to. Making an end of life plan, and planning funeral and burial arrangements beforehand can actually be comforting. Both for the person who is dying, as well as for those who remain.
What happens during Dying Awareness Week?
The theme of this year's event is "What can you do ....in your community? Over 350 events are taking place around the country. The aim is to encourage people to have a more positive and open response to death.
Events include art exhibits, theatrical performances, and crematorium visits. There are also lectures, book presentations, and walks. Test your knowledge at a 'dead or alive' quiz night. Additionally, you can participate in coffee mornings, and there are plenty of opportunities just to chat.
Doing your bit to help
Dying Matters Awareness Week gives you the chance to learn about ways in which you can become actively involved. Perhaps you could join a Threshold Choir. These are people who sing soothing songs for dying people. Or why not become part of the death cafe movement. There are death cafes all over the county. Here, people meet informally to discuss all things related to death and dying.
Dying Matters Awareness Week can help both those seeking help and those looking to give some. If you are currently facing an approaching death situation take advantage of this opportunity to start talking about it.
Death and dying is the one sure thing in life, and lifting the taboos is very important. While talking about anything helps, talking about death can be particularly beneficial.
Find out more about the events going on in Dying Matters Awareness Week here