Standardised Price List for Funerals

Standardised Price List for Funerals

Standardised Price List for Funerals by Kristina Kennedy-Aguero

A Standardised Price List (SPL) for funerals came into effect last week. On September 16th, the Funerals Market Investigation Order 2021 by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) became law. This will bring transparency into the funeral sector and make it easier for people to know what the total cost of the funeral will be.

What does the Standardised Price List require?

The SPL requires all UK funeral directors to display clear price information  prominently. This applies both inside and outside of their premises and on their websites. On the website, the Standardised Price List must be displayed just one click away from the homepage. On their premises, the list must be large, easy to read, and situated in a clearly visible place.

The CMA specifies the layout of the SPL and also requires the use of a standard wording that they supply. Funeral directors must also display an Additional Options Price List. Additionally, a third price list must clearly show cost information from local crematoriums.
The costs of an unattended funeral, a typical burial, and a cremation must all be clearly shown.
Furthermore, funeral businesses are required to display their Terms of Business and Disclosure of Interests. Information about the ultimate owner of the business must also be available.

What difference will the SPL make?

The Standardised Price List will make it easier for people to compare prices. Additionally, it will allow them to calculate the real cost of the funeral, burial, or cremation. Although some funeral directors have already been following these guidelines, it is now the law that all must comply with them. Unfortunately, some funeral directors have taken advantage of the grief that families are experiencing to not clearly explain the costs of the services they are contracting. This can lead to funeral poverty as discussed in our recent blog.

Enforcing the Standardised Price List for funerals.

All independent funeral directors, head offices of corporate companies, and funeral trade associations will be in charge of enforcing the Order. Funeral directors who do not comply will face penalties. If you find a funeral director who is not complying with the order either physically in his premises or on his website you should report them. You can contact the CMA Funerals Team in confidence at